Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Walk in the Park

So my husband and I have been traveling to new places recently. We've been in the northern mid-west area known as Indiana. Specifically Indianapolis. Visiting new places allows for new experiences. Remember no two places are exactly the same. For example, I'm from Florida, Indianapolis and Florida look very different in landscape.  Florida has palm trees; Indianapolis not so much. Indianapolis has lush, thick trees with beautiful green leaves. "But Florida has beaches," is what you're thinking. You are correct. Though my point is that both places offer beauty, but in very different ways.

To view this green, lush beauty we went for a walk at a nearby nature park called Starkey Park. It's hidden inside a residential neighborhood, but once found it is well worth the search. The three of us, me, my husband, and our dog, went for a relaxing two mile stroll. Here are a few pictures to bring you on the journey too.

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