Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Long Weekends With The In-Laws

This is why we celebrate Memorial Day. Remember who has fought for you.

Memorial weekend is now done and over. The mini vacation we all looked forward to has passed and now we're waiting for the next. July 4th is around the corner, so be prepared to purchase some kick butt fireworks and a new patriotic shirt to fashion for the day.

I don't know what you did for fun the past few days, but I went camping and boating with my in-laws. The weekend consisted of water shoes, sunscreen, and a nightly fire to keep the bugs away. I'll say I had an amazing time. I do, unlike many people, love my in-laws. Also my husband loves doing activities in the great outdoors; needless to say, he had an awesome time.

With all the laughter, good food, water sport activities, and the fact that I'm still alive, there is no complaining to be had. Though here are a few things I want to say.....

1. Chopping wood is a lot harder than you think. You may miss the wood completely and almost chop off your leg (I did this)

2. Driving a boat isn't so difficult, but you'll find that turning the steering wheel is harder than expected.

3. Killing a pygmy rattlesnake while camping...not that uncommon.

4. Water shoes for when you are walking in mucky water...always have them.

5. Keebler fudge striped cookies with a roasted marshmallow in the middle...delicious.

6. If your in-laws are making redneck jokes about themselves and the things they have done...they might have just a smidge of redneck in them.

7. Seeing an alligator in Lake George...very do-able.

8. Driving a jet ski = fun. Riding on the back of a jet ski = not as much fun.

9. Don't put the Brim (fish) you caught in a bucket of still water...they may die. I'm not confessing to anything.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Favorite Things

We all have our favorite things. We look forward to when we can experience them. Some things may possibly be ridiculous, some not. The beauty of them? They are OUR favorite specifically. It doesn't matter if no one shares the same love for it as you, because you love it. It is YOUR favorite. No one can steal that from you. Hopefully you can enjoy your favorite things often. Here are a few of my favorite things.

1. A big bowl of ice cream (If partially melted..that's okay).

2. A pair of heels that make me feel sexy (They must be comfortable though).


3. A sweet soft kiss (Anytime, always good).

4. Burning the calories (Health is never overrated).

5. Obviously writing...duh (Letters mashed together create ideas; if you're lucky, they create brilliance).

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just Google It

It's a modern day necessity to use Google. A common phrase, "just Google it," when you don't know the answer. Yes, Google saves us...time and time again. But Google has more potential than you'd think. A simple Google search can find personal information including an e-mail address. Who would have thought, the power of Google can find you.  Google yourself sometime. Google someone else when you need to contact them. For just about anything...just Google it! Go ahead, I dare you.  Just be careful to not do anything you don't want people to know about; Google might relay your secret. So behave!

This post is dedicated to my friend Lutz.  Love you girl...and your Google skills!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Musical Makeover For The Day

Music was created for good purpose. It speaks to us on a deep level. So what I want you to do today is listen to your favorite CD, iPod playlist, or whatever other form of music distributor you have. Turn it on, turn it up, and jam out hardcore!  Here are two of my favorites! Enjoy!

Now go and have a jammin day. Let the music speak to you.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One Of Those Moments...I Love You

I Love You

Love occurs everyday. Sometimes we notice it, and sometimes we don't. It is when you realize it is happening that makes the moment special.  Sadly there are many moments we miss. They pass us, never to return exactly the same. We go on living never noticing they passed.  This post is for the moment(s) we notice. More specifically, the moment I noticed.

I'm married to a wonderful man. Even on a day where he makes me want to kick a hole in the wall, he's still a wonderful man. I have my moments where I drive him crazy. In life, and definitely in marriage, we all should be allowed a few free passes. At some point we will do something that bothers our spouse; though hopefully, most of the time spent together incorporates laughter, smiles, kisses, touch (in more than one manner), and vocal communication (sexy time is a non-mentioned-but-must-always-be-included pass time).  Back to my original statement...I married a wonderful man. I love him with every ounce of my existence; and I thank God for putting him in my life.

This is my gorgeous husband. 

This is the moment, the scene if you will...

I walk in the door from a finished day of work. I close the door behind me and Nick, my husband, has a big smile on his face to welcome me home. He approaches me as I place my things on the floor. Hugs are exchanged along with kisses. We move to the couch to sit down and chat about our days. As I'm talking he licks my face. He just licks my face!! So what do I do? I lick him back. Then the lick war begins. Spit is flying, our heads are bobbing (trying to get good angles), and we're laughing the whole time. As the tongue war moves to an end, I look at my husband. I admire him and all his ridiculousness. My thought going through my head...I Love You!!! I DO I DO I DO! Thank you for being a goober with me. You're a great husband.
Realize the moments. Each and every one. Enjoy them. Embrace them. Encourage them.

Yes I do!

Monday, May 23, 2011

No Money = Nice Home. Cheap and Chic Ways to Decorate.

You don't need a lot of money to love the interior design of your home. We have opportunity at our fingertips. We just need to use it and abuse it. And if you're not the most creative thinker in the bunch, fear not, you can get ideas from others.With yard sales, home improvement stores, antique stores, and multiple websites at our disposal, we have vast opportunities to create cheap and stylish living quarters. So let's do it!

To form new ideas, try walking around local artsy boutiques. You'll see cute decorations that are most likely very over-priced. The good thing is...you can probably make them yourself. Look around at the different decorations, get ideas, think of how you can make it yourself, or make it your own. I've noticed that using distressed window pains and chalkboard paint are quite popular. So why not blend them together. Here's an image to give you an idea.

To get this look spray chalkboard paint on the four pieces of glass and then let dry.  Use sandpaper to rough up the wood and distress the paint job. If there isn't enough paint already on the wood, add any color you choose in a streaky sloppy manner to give it the antique look. Still remember to use sandpaper to make it distressed. Before writing use, rub chalk on the four glass squares and then wipe away. Now you have a chalkboard window!

 When it comes to furniture...you need to search yard sales, antique stores, or thrift shops. For example, take a dresser that has potential, solid wood. All you have to do is strip it, sand it, add a paint color you love, and some stylish knobs (hardware). Easy Easy Easy!! Then you have a classic piece with a new look added to your collection.

Roll up those sleeves and get to work; cause you have some styling to do, for not a lot of money. Get excited!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Baking Out Of The Box...Making Boxed Desserts A Little More Homemade

There can always be a dessert cafe in your house

Personally I'm not one to promote baking from a box, so I won't try and talk anyone into box baking unless they have to. If you have the time I will always say to go homemade. Homemade allows for more yum and gives you bragging rights. But there are times when a box dessert is all you can muster in your busy life. If that is the case, let's bring some life into it. You can always add something to make your dessert seem homemade.

You may not have a lot of time, but you should have the time to add to a pre-made batter. Here are some ideas for sprucing up your dessert menu.

The other day I made cinnamon streusel muffins. I admit, I'm guilty of using Betty Crocker  for this one, but I wasn't in my own house. I did add some things of my own though.

For ideas to spruce up these muffins...

1. Add fresh cinnamon from the pantry

2. Add pure vanilla extract for that extra kick of flavor

3. For the topping, take your own brown sugar, butter, and oats (if you want some crunch) to mix and crumble over the muffins before baking.

4. If you are a chocolate lover add some chocolate chips for an extra yummy flavor.


Another dessert to improve out of the box is the cake that made carrots famous...carrot cake.
Just a few easy steps improve this cake by mouthfuls.

1. Add fresh shredded carrots to enhance the texture, color, and flavor

2. Fold roughly chopped walnuts into the batter for an extra crunch. They also add a boost of protein.

3. Don't buy pre-made frosting. Mix vanilla yogurt (Stonyfield Farms organic fat free vanilla) with powered sugar for a sweet, but healthier option.

 Take an extra minute if you don't have the extra half hour or the ingredients to make everything. Because no matter how short on time you are, I hope you can put a little extra effort to make it your own.

And remember...sometimes life should be a sweet surrender. As long as you make it delicious!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Bad Tippers Guide

I work in a restaurant at the moment (thanks to the status of our economy).

 Though I always try to keep a smile on in front of the customers, I often imagine many of them tripping over their shoelaces after they leave me what they think is a "proper" tip.  Now, I  know I need to be positive and kind toward others, and I am...I really am. There are some times though when the bad tippers get to me. Here are some tips on how to know you likely have a bad tipper on your hands.

1. After giving them the check, the customer sees the total and says, "this is all mine?" (Never good, they eat and spend more than they can afford)

2. The check is $9.76, you're handed a $10 bill...they ask for the change. (At this point start praying they like to leave bills only)

3.  If they ask, "Is that free refills?" (Most likely they'll drink a lot and leave a little cash)

4. When one thing isn't perfect, which isn't necessarily your fault (the server), and the customer makes a statement that your tip will now be affected. (They weren't planning on tipping you well anyway...so don't sweat it)

                                            Oh yeah, my life is glamorous!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

85%...And That's Not A Test Score

The number 85 may be ringing in your ear...but you're not the only one.  If you're a recent college grad, you most likely are part of the number 85. It has officially been stated that 85% of college grads have moved back home, and the title unemployment has followed them.

With no jobs available, young adults have no other options than to return to their childhood bedrooms. Jobs are say...more than hard to find during these times. They seem nearly impossible. According to Time, the age range of 25 and under has an unemployment rate of 54%. In case you're bad at math...that's over half of young adults 25 and under.

For a small amount of good news, it is predicted that a higher percentage of graduates from this current class will be hired after graduation. Though, for a large majority, the search for employment will continue. And for those graduates of 2010, I hope you find some luck with this predicted wave of companies looking for new talent. I fall into that category; I'm a 2010 graduate...and I'm still on the search.  Hopefully times are changing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's Been One of Those Weeks

But it's about to be a great day...just wait for it!

We all have them. Those weeks where nothing seems right. Everything goes wrong consistently, you're continually upset, which is the worst feeling in the world. All you want is to smile and laugh and feel joy and happiness. But sometimes we can't find it. We have to find it though, because with our human nature we don't last long with this state of being; at least we don't last long well.

I've seen friends and acquaintances, as well as myself experience this episode of dissatisfaction. Just so you know it will end, it will pass, you will smile and have joy and happiness, and appreciate the little things in life that give you a smirk on your face or a chuckle in your voice.

I know this why? I'll tell you...God is their to comfort you and restore your joy. The Bible says so, and that's plenty good for me.

Philippians 4:19-And my God will meet all of your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 46:1- God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

1 Peter 5:7- Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Nahum 1:7- The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.

Isaiah 43:2- When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.

So cry it out, take your time to deal with whatever it is that is going on in your life. Surrender it to God. Don't let it stay too long, don't let it win. God is waiting to give us joy in the morning. You just have to want it, because he wants to give it to you. Bad days can always happen, but great days should always follow them. So I hope you're having a great day and smiling through it all.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Living on Love and Sunshine

I hate gloomy days, really I do. Something about the sun lifts my spirits and puts me into a smiling, positive mood. This is one reason I couldn't live in the Northwestern states, too gloomy!! For me, the sun equates to happiness and joy.  It puts light in my life, literally and figuratively.

The same is for love. Now, when I say love, I'm referring to relationships. The people in my life that enhance my experiences: my husband, my siblings, my parents, and my friends. These people bring positivity and laughter and comfort to my life. So, when I say living on love and sunshine, I'm saying everything is all right. I may not have the best job, I don't have a lot of money, and I don't know what my futures hold in many ways. But I'm smiling through it all, cause I have sunshine and I have people that make my life great. So thank you to the people I love. You really do make me smile! Thank you Lord for the love you've given me; also for the great relationships you have blessed me with!

To long time friends...including the girl with dark rimmed glasses in the back. I've known her 22 years.

To newer friends that seem like they've been there forever.

To a brother and sister that I couldn't live without.

To a husband that makes me love him more every day.

To a college friend that will always be a friend.