Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How Will They Know It's ME

Applying for jobs has become an experience that I will call, uncertain. With every business switching to on-line applications, how do you set yourself apart from the rest? That is my question, but the thing is, I can't answer it. I prefer face-to-face interaction, and sadly, our society has fallen far from it. Everything has to do with the internet, hence my blogging right now. With the internet follows faceless applications and un-known personalities. Not so good for someone who gives great first impressions when handing in the application.

I recently had a job interview. To spoil the ending, I didn't get it. I received an e-mail the following day after I had sent in my resume to call in to schedule an interview. To my surprise, it was a much quicker response than I thought, also more so than my previous experiences. So, I called, scheduled an appointment, and picked out something to wear. I have work experience in certain areas, but I also haven't done a lot of things. The thing is, I'm an intelligent woman, I'd learn quickly if someone would just let me learn. Also, I am college educated which I wish would give me more credibility, but so far, I don't think it does.

So, I went in for the interview and the woman who first spoke to me and asked me some questions was very friendly and welcoming. Then it was time for her boss. She was the woman who made the decisions. I'll admit she was extremely intimidating. Probably why I didn't get the job. After she had explained the job and everything that went with it, it was my turn to speak. I was nervous, so nervous. I couldn't get my thoughts out in a mature and fluent sounding manner. Quite sad actually. I tend to offer myself as a good additive to any environment. I'll be honest, I wasn't so successful this time. This woman really made me nervous, I mean, she was a total shark. She also seemed to have a problem with the fact that I was freshly out of college. That didn't excite her, more annoyed her than anything I think.

All that said, if you're lucky enough to make it through the internet world to really meet an actual person that has reviewed your resume, my advice to you, especially a recent college graduate, would be...

*Think about what kind of questions the employer will ask and try to prepare your answers. The employer will always ask if you have any questions...try to come up with questions.

*Try not to be nervous. You are a capable, intelligent person I'm sure. So act like it and have some confidence.

*This should be common sense, but look nice and professional. No one likes a slob.

Good Luck job hunting to you and me!

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