Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Let's just be kids

Well it's summer and it's hot here in Florida. When I say hot, I mean hot. The humidity is always high and rising which makes everyone sweat constantly. So what can we do to cool us off, let's just act like kids again. I remember what I did to cool off in the hot summers during my childhood....

1. Run through a sprinkler, yes these still exist.
2. If you don't have a sprinkler, turn the hose on and make your own sprinkler.
3. Slip n Slide is never overrated, it's just always fun.
4. Squirtgun fights should continue throughout life, so have one tomorrow, or today.
5. Balloon fights, sometimes painful, but always fun. So fill some balloons and start throwing. 

So be a kid and have some off while you do it!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had a sprinkler ... I don't even have a hose! haha or water balloons for that matter. My only cool-down option: the pool at my apartment complex that's still "closed." That's one thing that never happened in Florida - pools are year-round...
