Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Bad Tippers Guide

I work in a restaurant at the moment (thanks to the status of our economy).

 Though I always try to keep a smile on in front of the customers, I often imagine many of them tripping over their shoelaces after they leave me what they think is a "proper" tip.  Now, I  know I need to be positive and kind toward others, and I am...I really am. There are some times though when the bad tippers get to me. Here are some tips on how to know you likely have a bad tipper on your hands.

1. After giving them the check, the customer sees the total and says, "this is all mine?" (Never good, they eat and spend more than they can afford)

2. The check is $9.76, you're handed a $10 bill...they ask for the change. (At this point start praying they like to leave bills only)

3.  If they ask, "Is that free refills?" (Most likely they'll drink a lot and leave a little cash)

4. When one thing isn't perfect, which isn't necessarily your fault (the server), and the customer makes a statement that your tip will now be affected. (They weren't planning on tipping you well don't sweat it)

                                            Oh yeah, my life is glamorous!

1 comment:

  1. That picture is too funny.

    P.S. I think if everyone were a server/hostess/waitress/barista, bad tipping would come to an end.
